Browser |
| Name | Layout engine | Send UA CH |
 | 115 Browser | WebKit/Blink | |
 | 2345 Explorer | Trident/WebKit/Blink | |
 | 360 Secure Browser | Trident/Webkit | |
 | 37abc | WebKit/Blink | |
 | 3DS Browser | NetFront | |
 | 7 Star Browser | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Abolimba | Trident | |
 | ABrowse | WebKit | |
 | Acoo Browser | Trident | |
 | Adventurer | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Alienforce | Gecko | |
 | Aloha Browser | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Amaya | Proprietary | |
 | Amiga Aweb | Proprietary | |
 | Amiga Voyager | Proprietary | |
 | Amigo | WebKit | |
 | ANT Fresco | Proprietary | |
 | ANT Galio | Proprietary | |
 | AOL Desktop | WebKit/Blink | |
 | AOL Explorer | Trident/WebKit | |
 | AOL Shield | Blink | |
 | Aplix | ? | |
 | Arachne | ? | |
 | Arc | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Arclab Website Analyzer | n/a | |
 | Arctic Fox | Goanna | |
 | Arora | WebKit | |
 | Atom | Blink | Y |
 | Avant Browser | Trident/Gecko/WebKit | |
 | Avast Secure Browser | Blink | Y |
 | AVG Secure Browser | Blink | Y |
 | Aviator | Blink | |
 | Avira Scout | Blink | |
 | Avira Secure Browser | Blink | Y |
 | Baidu Browser | Webkit/Trident | |
 | Baidu Spark | Blink | |
 | Basilisk | Goanna | |
 | Beaker | Blink | |
 | Beamrise | WebKit | |
 | Beonex | Gecko | |
 | Biscuit | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Bitdefender Safepay | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Blackbird | Gecko | |
 | BlackHawk | WebKit/Gecko | |
 | Bolt | WebKit | |
 | Borealis Navigator | Goanna | |
 | Brave | Blink | Y |
 | BriskBard | Trident | |
 | BrowseX | Tkhtml | |
 | Browzar | Trident | |
 | Bunjalloo | ?? | |
 | Camino | Gecko | |
 | Catsxp | Blink | Y |
 | CCleaner Browser | Blink | Y |
 | Charon | ?? | |
 | Chedot | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Cheshire | WebKit | |
 | Chim Lac | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Chrome | WebKit/Blink | Y |
 | Chrome frozen UA | Blink | |
 | Chromium | WebKit/Blink | Y |
 | Chromium GOST | Blink | |
 | Chromodo | Blink | |
 | Classilla | Gecko | |
 | CM Browser | Blink | |
 | Coc Coc | Blink | Y |
 | Cocoon | Gecko | |
 | Colibri | Blink | |
 | Columbus | WebKit | |
 | CometBird | Gecko | |
 | Comodo Dragon | WebKit | |
 | Conkeror | Gecko | |
 | CoolNovo | WebKit | |
 | Craving Explorer | Blink | |
 | Crazy Browser | Trident | |
 | Cromite | Blink | Y |
 | Cuam | Trident | |
 | Cunaguaro | Gecko | |
 | Cyberdog | ? | |
 | Cyberfox | Gecko | |
 | Decentr | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Deepnet Explorer | Trident | |
 | deg-degan | Blink | |
 | Demeter | WebKit | |
 | DeskBrowse | WebKit | |
 | Dezor | Blink | |
 | Dillo | Proprietary | |
 | DingTalk App | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Documents by Readdle | ? | |
 | DocZilla | Gecko | |
 | Dooble | WebKit | |
 | DPlus | Proprietary | |
 | Dream Passport | ? | |
 | DreamKey | ? | |
 | DuckDuckGo | WebKit | |
 | Edbrowse | n/a | |
 | EGBrowser | ? | |
 | Electron App | WebKit | |
 | Element Browser | WebKit/Trident | |
 | Elements Browser | Blink | |
 | Elinks | Proprietary | |
 | Enigma browser | Trident | |
 | Eolie | WebKit | |
 | Epic | Gecko | |
 | Espial TV Browser | WebKit | |
 | Facebook App for desktop | WebKit | |
 | Falkon | WebKit | |
 | Firebird (old name for Firefox) | Gecko | |
 | Firefox | Gecko | |
 | Firefox (BonEcho) | Gecko | |
 | Firefox (GranParadiso) | Gecko | |
 | Firefox (Lorentz) | Gecko | |
 | Firefox (Minefield) | Gecko | |
 | Firefox (Namoroka) | Gecko | |
 | Firefox (Shiretoko) | Gecko | |
 | Fireweb Navigator | Gecko | |
 | FlameSky | Blink | |
 | Flast | Blink | |
 | Flock | Gecko/WebKit | |
 | Floorp | Gecko | |
 | Flow | Flow | |
 | Fluid App | WebKit | |
 | Fluid browser | WebKit | |
 | Framafox | Gecko | |
 | Freebox Browser | WebKit | |
 | FreeU | Blink | |
 | Galeon | Gecko | |
 | Gener8 | Blink | Y |
 | GlobalMojo | Gecko | |
 | GNOME Web | Gecko/WebKit/WebKitGTK | |
 | GreenBrowser | Trident | |
 | Herond | Blink | |
 | Herond mobile | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Hola Browser | Blink | |
 | HotJava | Java | |
 | HTTPie | n/a | |
 | Huawei Browser | Blink | |
 | Hv3 | Tkhtml3 | |
 | Hydra Browser | Trident | |
 | IBM WebExplorer | ?? | |
 | IBrowse | Proprietary | |
 | iCab | WebKit | |
 | ICE browser | Java | |
 | IceApe | Gecko | |
 | IceCat | Gecko | |
 | IceDragon | Gecko | |
 | IceWeasel | Gecko | |
 | IE | Trident | |
 | Impervious | Gecko | |
 | Instagram App for Desktop | WebKit/Blink | |
 | InternetSurfboard | Webkit | |
 | iRider | Trident | |
 | Iridium | Blink | |
 | Iron | WebKit | |
 | iTop Private Browser | Blink | |
 | JavaFX | ?? | |
 | jsdom | n/a | |
 | K-Meleon | Gecko/Goanna | |
 | K-Ninja | Gecko | |
 | K.Browser | Blink | |
 | Kapiko | Gecko | |
 | Kazehakase | Gecko | |
 | Kingpin | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Kinza | Blink | |
 | Kirix Strata | Gecko | |
 | KKman | Trident | |
 | Konqueror | KHTML | |
 | Kylo | Gecko | |
 | Ladybird | LibWeb | |
 | Lark Suite | WebKit | |
 | LBrowser | Gecko | |
 | Lenovo Browser | WebKit/Blink | Y |
 | LG Web Browser | WebKit | |
 | LieYing | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Light | Gecko | |
 | Line Mode Browser | ? | |
 | Links | Proprietary | |
 | Lobo | Cobra - (Java) | |
 | lolifox | Gecko | |
 | Lovense Browser | Blink | |
 | luakit | Webkit | |
 | Lunascape | Gecko/WebKit/Trident | |
 | Lunascape Phoebe | Blink | |
 | Lync 2011 | ?? | |
 | Lynx | Proprietary | |
 | Madfox | Gecko | |
 | Maxthon | Trident/WebKit/Blink | |
 | Microsoft Edge | EdgeHTML/Blink | Y |
 | Microsoft Edge WebView2 | Blink | Y |
 | Midori | WebKit | |
 | Min | Blink | |
 | Mini Browser | WebKit | |
 | Mobile Samsung Browser for Gear VR | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Mozilla | Gecko | |
 | Multi-Browser XP | Trident | |
 | MultiZilla | Gecko | |
 | MxNitro | Blink | |
 | My Internet Browser | Gecko | |
 | Mypal | Goanna | |
 | Naenara | Gecko | |
 | NCSA Mosaic | Proprietary | |
 | NetBox | ?? | |
 | NetCaptor | Trident | |
 | NetPositive | Proprietary | |
 | Netscape Navigator | Gecko | |
 | NetSurf | NetSurf | |
 | Nintendo Switch Browser | WebKit | |
 | Norton Private Browser | Blink | Y |
 | Notion App | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Off By One | Proprietary | |
 | OhHai Browser | Blink | |
 | OmniWeb | WebKit | |
 | OneNote 2019 mobile | n/a | |
 | Open Live Writer | Trident | |
 | Openwave Phone Simulator | ?? | |
 | Opera | Presto/Blink | Y |
 | Opera Crypto | Blink | Y |
 | Opera GX | Blink | Y |
 | Opera Neon | Blink | |
 | Orange browser | Trident/WebKit | |
 | Orca | Gecko | |
 | Oregano | Proprietary | |
 | Otter | WebKit | |
 | Overwolf Client | Webkit/blink | |
 | OWB (Odyssey Web Browser) | WebKit | |
 | OWB (Origyn Web Browser) | WebKit | |
 | Pale Moon | Goanna | |
 | Patriott | WebKit | |
 | Perk | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Phaseout | Trident | |
 | Phoenix (old name for Firefox) | Gecko | |
 | PirateBrowser | Gecko | |
 | PlanetWeb | ? | |
 | Polarity | Gecko | |
 | PolyBrowser | Gecko | |
 | PrivacyWall | Blink | |
 | Proofpoint SaaS Protection | n/a | |
 | PS4 Web browser | WebKit | |
 | Puffin | WebKit | |
 | PureBrowser | Gecko | |
 | Qazweb | Gecko | |
 | Qiyu Swordfish Browser | Blink | |
 | QQbrowser | Blink | |
 | QtWeb | WebKit | |
 | Quark | Blink | Y |
 | QupZilla | WebKit | |
 | qutebrowser | WebKit | |
 | Rambler browser | Blink | |
 | Rekonq | WebKit | |
 | reqwest | n/a | |
 | retawq | Proprietary | |
 | RetroZilla | Gecko | |
 | Roccat browser | WebKit | |
 | RockMelt | WebKit | |
 | Ryouko | WebKit | |
 | SaaYaa Explorer | Trident | |
 | Safari | WebKit | |
 | SalamWeb Browser | WebKit/Blink | Y |
 | Samsung TV Browser | WebKit/Blink | |
 | SberBrowser | Blink | |
 | SeaMonkey | Gecko | |
 | Secure browser | Blink | |
 | Seewo Browser | Blink | |
 | Seraphic Sraf | WebKit/Blink | |
 | browser | Blink | |
 | SFive | Blink | |
 | Shiira | WebKit | |
 | Sidekick | Blink | Y |
 | Sielo | WebKit | |
 | SiteKiosk | Trident | |
 | SkipStone | Gecko | |
 | Slack App | n/a | |
 | Sleipnir | Trident/Gecko/Blink | |
 | SlimBoat | WebKit | |
 | SlimBrowser | Trident | |
 | SlimerJS | Gecko | |
 | Sogou Explorer | Webkit/Trident | |
 | Spark Security Browser | Blink | |
 | Sputnik Browser | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Stainless | WebKit | |
 | Station | Blink | |
 | Steam Game Overlay | Webkit/Blink | |
 | Sundance | Trident | |
 | Sundial | Gecko | |
 | Sunrise | WebKit | |
 | Superbird | WebKit | |
 | Surf | WebKit | |
 | Swiftfox | Gecko | |
 | Swiftweasel | Gecko | |
 | Swing | WebKit | |
 | Sylera | Gecko | |
 | Browser | Gecko | |
 | Talon Enterprise Browser | Blink | |
 | Taobao browser | WebKit | |
 | TazWeb | WebKit | |
 | TenFourFox | Gecko | |
 | Tesla Browser | Blink | |
 | Tesla Car Browser | WebKit/Blink | |
 | TheWorld Browser | Trident/Blink | |
 | Thunder | Blink | |
 | Tjusig | Trident | |
 | ToGate | Blink | Y |
 | Total Browser | Blink | |
 | TT Explorer | Trident | |
 | Tulip Chain | n/a | |
 | Tungsten | Trident/Gecko | |
 | TV Bro | WebKit | |
 | TV BrowseHere | WebKit/Blink | |
 | UC Browser | Blink | |
 | UltraBrowser | Trident | |
 | Universal App WebView | Trident/EdgeHTML | |
 | Unreal Engine Web Browser widget | WebKit/Blink | |
 | UpNote App | WebKit/Blink | |
 | UR Browser | Blink | |
 | Usejump | WebKit | |
 | Uzbl | WebKit | |
 | Viasat browser | Blink | Y |
 | Viber for Desktop | WebKit | |
 | Vimb | WebKit | |
 | Vimprobable | WebKit | |
 | Vivaldi | Blink | Y |
 | VMware Browser | Webkit | |
 | VMware Browser mobile | Webkit | |
 | Vonkeror | Gecko | |
 | w3m | Proprietary | |
 | Waterfox | Gecko | |
 | Wave | Blink | Y |
 | Wavebox | Blink | Y |
 | WbBrowse | WebKit | |
 | Web Explorer | WebKit/Blink | |
 | WebCatalog | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Webian Shell | Gecko | |
 | Webissimo | Gecko | |
 | WebPositive | WebKit | |
 | WebRender | WebKit | |
 | Webster | WebKit | |
 | WeChat App | Blink/WebKit | |
 | WeCom App | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Weltweitimnetz Browser | WebKit | |
 | Whale | Blink | Y |
 | WhatsApp desktop | WebKit/Blink | |
 | WIB | WebKit | |
 | Wii U Internet Browser | NetFront | |
 | Windows Live Writer | Trident | |
 | wKiosk | WebKit | |
 | Wolvic | Gecko | |
 | WorldWideWeb | ?? | |
 | Wyzo | Gecko | |
 | X (Twitter) App | WebKit | |
 | X-Smiles | ?? | |
 | Xvast | Blink | |
 | Xvast mobile | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Y8 Browser | Blink | |
 | Yandex.Browser | Blink | Y |
 | YRC Weblink | WebKit | |
 | Zalo App | WebKit | |
 | zBrowser | WebKit | |
 | ZetaKey | WebKit | |
 | ZipZap | WebKit | |
 | Zombie.js | n/a | |
 | Zulip | n/a | |
Offline Browser |
| Name | Layout engine | Send UA CH |
 | A1 Website Download | Trident | |
 | AvantGo | n/a | |
 | Axel | n/a | |
 | BlackWidow | n/a | |
 | BlueCrab | n/a | |
 | Cyotek WebCopy | n/a | |
 | Flynx | WebKit | |
 | GetRight | n/a | |
 | HTTrack | n/a | |
 | iSiloX | Proprietary | |
 | iSiloXC | Proprietary | |
 | JoBo | n/a | |
 | JOC Web Spider | n/a | |
 | MM3-WebAssistant | n/a | |
 | Offline Explorer | n/a | |
 | SiteSucker | n/a | |
 | SuperBot | n/a | |
 | Teleport Pro | n/a | |
 | WebCopier | n/a | |
 | webfetch | n/a | |
 | WebScraper | n/a | |
 | WebStripper | n/a | |
 | WebZIP | n/a | |
 | Wget | n/a | |
 | Wget2 | n/a | |
 | Xaldon WebSpider | n/a | |
Mobile Browser |
| Name | Layout engine | Send UA CH |
 | 1Password mobile App | n/a | |
 | 2345 Explorer mobile | WebKit | |
 | 360 mobile browser | WebKit | |
 | Adblock Browser | Blink | |
 | Alipay App | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Aloha Browser Mobile | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Amethyst | Blink | |
 | Amigo mobile | WebKit | |
 | Android browser | WebKit | |
 | Android WebView | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Arc mobile | WebKit | |
 | Arvin | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Atomic Web Browser | WebKit | |
 | Avast Secure Browser mobile | WebKit/Blink | Y |
 | B-Line | WebKit | |
 | BaBe App | WebKit | |
 | Baidu mobile browser | Webkit/T5 | |
 | Baidu Search App | WebKit | |
 | Baidu Search Craft App | WebKit | |
 | Bing Search App | WebKit | |
 | BlackBerry Browser | Mango/WebKit | |
 | Blazer | NetFront | |
 | bonprix app | WebKit/Blink | |
 | App | WebKit | |
 | Bowser | WebKit | |
 | Brave mobile | Blink/WebKit | Y |
 | Browlser | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Cabelas App | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Cake Web Browser | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Cheapflights App | Webkit/Blink | |
 | CheapTickets App | WebKit | |
 | Chrome Mobile | WebKit/Blink | Y |
 | Chrome mobile frozen UA | Blink | |
 | Chromium mobile | WebKit/Blink | Y |
 | CM Mobile Browser | WebKit | |
 | Coast | WebKit | |
 | Coc Coc mobile | WebKit | Y |
 | Cornowser | WebKit | |
 | Cromite mobile | Blink | |
 | Crosswalk App | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Daum App | WebKit | |
 | Delta Browser | WebKit | |
 | Diigo | WebKit | |
 | DingTalk Mobile App | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Disney+ App | n/a | |
 | Dolphin | WebKit | |
 | Doris | ?? | |
 | DuckDuckGo Mobile | WebKit | |
 | Ecosia Mobile | WebKit | |
 | Egencia App | WebKit | |
 | EudoraWeb | ? | |
 | eUI Browser | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Expedia App | WebKit | |
 | Facebook App | WebKit | |
 | Firefox Focus | WebKit/Blink/Gecko | |
 | Firefox for iOS | Webkit | |
 | Firefox Klar | WebKit/Blink/Gecko | |
 | Firefox Lite | WebKit/Blink/Gecko | |
 | Firefox mobile | Gecko | |
 | Firefox Reality | Gecko | |
 | Flipboard App | WebKit | |
 | Freespoke App | WebKit/Gecko | |
 | FreeU mobile | Blink | |
 | Ghostery Privacy Browser | ? | |
 | GO Browser | ?? | |
 | Google App | WebKit | |
 | Google Assistant | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Google Lens | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Google News App | WebKit/Blink | |
 | HeyTap Browser | Blink | |
 | HiBrowser | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Hola Browser Mobile | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Honor mobile browser | Blink | |
 | Huawei AI Search | Blink | |
 | Huawei Browser Mobile | Blink | Y |
 | iCab Mobile | WebKit | |
 | IceCat mobile | Gecko | |
 | IE Mobile | Trident | |
 | Instabridge Browser | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Instagram App | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Intune Managed Browser | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Iron mobile | WebKit | |
 | IServ mobile | WebKit | |
 | isivioo | WebKit | |
 | Jasmine | NetFront | |
 | JioBrowser | Blink | |
 | Jira Cloud App | WebKit/Blink | |
 | KakaoStory App | WebKit | |
 | KakaoTalk App | WebKit | |
 | KAYAK App | Webkit/Blink | |
 | Keeper mobile App | n/a | |
 | Keepsafe Browser | WebKit | |
 | Kindle Browser | Netfront/Webkit | |
 | Kiwi Browser | WebKit | |
 | Klarna App | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Lark Suite mobile | WebKit | |
 | Lenovo Mobile Browser | WebKit/Blink | |
 | LG Phantom Browser | WebKit | |
 | LINE app | ? | |
 | LinkedIn App | WebKit | |
 | Lunascape mobile | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Lync Mobile | ?? | |
 | Mattermost mobile | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Maxthon mobile | Webkit/Trident/Blink | |
 | mCent | WebKit | |
 | Meizu Browser | Webkit | |
 | Mercury | WebKit | |
 | MicroB | Gecko | |
 | Microsoft Edge mobile | EdgeHTML//Webkit/Blink | Y |
 | Microsoft News App | WebKit | |
 | Microsoft Teams Mobile | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Midori mobile | Blink | |
 | Minimo | Gecko | |
 | Mint Browser | WebKit | |
 | Mises browser | Blink | |
 | MIUI Browser | WebKit | |
 | Mobile QQbrowser | WebKit | |
 | Mobile Samsung Browser | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Mobile Browser | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Mobile Sputnik Browser | WebKit | |
 | Mojeek App | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Motorola Internet Browser | ?? | |
 | National Bank app | WebKit/Blink | |
 | NAVER search App | WebKit | |
 | NetFront | NetFront | |
 | NetFront Life | WebKit | |
 | News Republic App | WebKit | |
 | NewsBreak | WebKit | |
 | NineSky | WebKit | |
 | Njuškalo App | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Nokia Web Browser | WebKit | |
 | NoxBrowser | WebKit/Blink | |
 | NTENT Browser | Webkit/Blink | |
 | Obigo | ?? | |
 | OceanHero mobile | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Oculus Browser | WebKit | Y |
 | OKApp | WebKit | |
 | ONE Browser | WebKit | |
 | Openwave Mobile Browser | ?? | |
 | Opera GX mobile | Blink | Y |
 | Opera Mini | Presto | |
 | Opera Mobile | Presto/WebKit | Y |
 | Opera News | ?? | |
 | Opera Touch | Blink | |
 | Oppo Browser | Blink | |
 | Orbitz App | WebKit | |
 | Pale Moon mobile | Gecko | |
 | Palm Pre web browser | WebKit | |
 | Palm WebPro | ?? | |
 | Perfect Browser | WebKit | |
 | Phoenix Browser | Blink | |
 | PICO Browser | Blink | |
 | Pinterest App | n/a | |
 | Polaris | Lumi/WebKit | |
 | Polarity mobile | Blink | |
 | PrivacyWall mobile | Gecko | |
 | PS Vita browser | WebKit | |
 | Puffin mobile | WebKit | |
 | Quark mobile | WebKit | |
 | Qwant mobile | Gecko | |
 | Realme Browser | Blink | |
 | reddit App | WebKit/Blink | |
 | RedFlagDeals Mobile App | n/a | |
 | Relax Melodies App | WebKit | |
 | Safari mobile | WebKit | |
 | Sailfish Browser | | |
 | SalamWeb Browser mobile | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Secure Web | WebKit | |
 | SEMC Browser | ?? | |
 | SF Browser | Blink | |
 | SFive mobile | WebKit/Blink | |
 | SharePoint Mobile App | n/a | |
 | Silk | WebKit | |
 | Skyfire | WebKit | |
 | SkyLeap | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Slack App mobile | n/a | |
 | Sleipnir Mobile | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Snapchat App | n/a | |
 | Sogou mobile Explorer | WebKit | |
 | Sogou Search App | WebKit | |
 | Stargon | Blink | |
 | START Internet Browser | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Studo App | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Surf Browser | WebKit | |
 | Swing mobile | WebKit | |
 | Swoodoo App | Webkit/Blink | |
 | Tableau Mobile | WebKit | |
 | Tear | WebKit | |
 | TeaShark | WebKit | |
 | Tenta Browser | WebKit | Y |
 | tieba App | WebKit | |
 | TikTok App | WebKit | |
 | Tizen Browser | WebKit | |
 | TopBuzz App | WebKit | |
 | Travelocity App | WebKit | |
 | Tumblr App | Webkit | |
 | Turbo Browser | Blink | |
 | Ubuntu web browser | WebKit | |
 | UC Browser mobile | WebKit/U3 | |
 | UC News App | WebKit | |
 | Universal App mobile WebView | Trident | |
 | uZard Web | ?? | |
 | Viasat mobile browser | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Viber | WebKit | |
 | Vivaldi mobile | Blink | |
 | Vivo browser | Webkit | |
 | VKontakte App | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Vuhuv mobile | Blink | |
 | Web Explorer Mobile | Blink | |
 | WeChat mobile App | Blink/WebKit | |
 | WeCom mobile App | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Weibo mobile App | WebKit | |
 | Whale mobile | WebKit | Y |
 | WhatsApp | WebKit | |
 | Whisper App | ? | |
 | wOSBrowser | WebKit | |
 | Yaani Browser | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Yahoo! JAPAN App | WebKit | |
 | YahooMobileSearch | WebKit | |
 | Yandex app | Blink | |
 | Yandex.Browser mobile | Blink | Y |
 | Yandex.Browser mobile Lite | Blink | |
 | Yandex.Maps App | Blink | |
 | Yelp App | WebKit | |
 | Yolo Browser | WebKit | |
 | YouCare App | Blink | |
 | Zalo mobile App | WebKit | |
 | ZetaKey mobile | WebKit | |
Email client |
| Name | Layout engine | Send UA CH |
 | 1und1 Mail-App | n/a | |
 | poczta | n/a | |
 | AirMail | WebKit | |
 | Apple Mail | WebKit | |
 | Apple Mail mobile | WebKit | |
 | mail | n/a | |
 | Barca | ?? | |
 | BlueMail | WebKit | |
 | BlueMail Mobile | WebKit | |
 | BT Email App mobile | WebKit | |
 | Citrix Secure Mail | ?? | |
 | DaumMail App | WebKit | |
 | David | Trident | |
 | eM Client | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Email app for Android | n/a | |
 | Email App for Any Mail | n/a | |
 | | n/a | |
 | Eudora | ? | |
 | Evolution | n/a | |
 | FastMail | ? | |
 | FastMail App | WebKit/Blink | |
 | FossaMail | Gecko/Goana | |
 | Foxmail | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Framabird | Gecko | |
 | Freebox Mail | WebKit | |
 | Front | n/a | |
 | GcMail | Trident | |
 | Gmail | n/a | |
 | Gmail App | WebKit/Blink | |
 | GMX mail | n/a | |
 | IceDove | Gecko | |
 | Interia Mail App | WebKit | |
 | Interlink | Goanna | |
 | KMail | WebKit | |
 | Kontact | WebKit | |
 | La Poste App mobile | WebKit | |
 | Lotus Notes | ?? | |
 | MaaS360 Mail | WebKit | |
 | Mail Master | WebKit | |
 | Mail Master mobile | WebKit | |
 | mail | n/a | |
 | Mail.Ru App | ?? | |
 | MailBar | ? | |
 | Mailbird | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Mailspring | WebKit | |
 | myMail | n/a | |
 | NAVER Mail App | n/a | |
 | Outlook 2007 | Word | |
 | Outlook 2010 | Word | |
 | Outlook 2013 | ?? | |
 | Outlook 2016 | ?? | |
 | Outlook 2019 | ?? | |
 | Outlook Mobile | ?? | |
 | Outlook on the web | | |
 | OX Mail App | n/a | |
 | PocoMail | ?? | |
 | Postbox | Gecko | |
 | QQmail App | WebKit/Blink | |
 | RainLoop Webmail | n/a | |
 | RamblerMail | n/a | |
 | Shredder | Gecko | |
 | Spark | ? | |
 | Sparrow | WebKit | |
 | Spicebird | Gecko | |
 | Telekom Mail | n/a | |
 | The Bat! | Robin | |
 | Thunderbird | Gecko | |
 | mail | ? | |
 | Unibox | | |
 | Universal Email App | n/a | |
 | VMware Boxer | WebKit | |
 | WEB.DE mail | n/a | |
 | Windows Live Mail | Trident | |
 | Yahoo Mail | n/a | |
 | Yahoo Mobile Mail | WebKit | |
 | Zimbra Desktop | Gecko | |
 | Zoho Mail | Blink | |
 | Zoho Mail App | ? | |
Library |
| Name | Layout engine | Send UA CH |
 | Adobe AIR runtime | n/a | |
 | advertools | n/a | |
 | aiohttp | n/a | |
 | ALWinInetHttpClient | n/a | |
 | Android Asynchronous Http Client | n/a | |
 | Android HttpURLConnection | n/a | |
 | Anemone | n/a | |
 | AngleSharp | n/a | |
 | AnyEvent-HTTP | n/a | |
 | Apache HttpComponents | n/a | |
 | Apache XML RPC | n/a | |
 | Apache-HttpAsyncClient | n/a | |
 | Apache-HttpClient | n/a | |
 | Artax | n/a | |
 | AsyncHttpClient | n/a | |
 | axios | n/a | |
 | babashka.http-client | n/a | |
 | BAMSDK | n/a | |
 | BinGet | n/a | |
 | Boost.Beast | na | |
 | Boto3 | n/a | |
 | CarrierWave | n/a | |
 | cfhttp | n/a | |
 | CFNetwork | n/a | |
 | Chilkat HTTP .NET | n/a | |
 | Clever Internet Suite | n/a | |
 | cpp-httplib | n/a | |
 | CsQuery | n/a | |
 | cssutils | n/a | |
 | cURL | n/a | |
 | dart:io | n/a | |
 | Dispatch | n/a | |
 | dusterio/link-preview | n/a | |
 | EventMachine | n/a | |
 | EvoPdf | n/a | |
 | EWS .NET | n/a | |
 | Exchange Web Services .NET | n/a | |
 | Faraday | n/a | |
 | Feed::Find | n/a | |
 | feedfinder | n/a | |
 | feedfinder2 | n/a | |
 | FeedParser | n/a | |
 | Go http package | n/a | |
 | Go Resty | n/a | |
 | go-favicon | n/a | |
 | Gofeed | n/a | |
 | golang-nic | n/a | |
 | Google HTTP Client Lib for Java | n/a | |
 | goose-extractor | n/a | |
 | got | n/a | |
 | GRequests | n/a | |
 | GStreamer | n/a | |
 | Guzzle | n/a | |
 | hackney | n/a | |
 | HiQPdf | n/a | |
 | HTMLayout | HTMLayout | |
 | http-kit | n/a | |
 | HTTP-Tiny | n/a | |
 | HTTP.jl | n/a | |
 | http.rb | n/a | |
 | httplib2 | n/a | |
 | HTTP_Request2 | n/a | |
 | Indy Library | n/a | |
 | IXR lib | n/a | |
 | Jakarta Commons-HttpClient | n/a | |
 | Java | n/a | |
 | Jersey | n/a | |
 | Jetty | n/a | |
 | JWebServices for Exchange | n/a | |
 | kurtmckee feedparser | n/a | |
 | LangChain WebBaseLoader | n/a | |
 | LibSoup | n/a | |
 | libwww-perl | n/a | |
 | lua-resty-http | n/a | |
 | lua-resty-requests | n/a | |
 | LWP::Simple | n/a | |
 | MagpieRSS | n/a | |
 | Manticore | n/a | |
 | Mechanize | n/a | |
 | Microsoft BITS | n/a | |
 | Mojolicious | n/a | |
 | MWFeedParser | n/a | |
 | node-fetch | n/a | |
 | OkHttp | n/a | |
 | PEAR HTTP_Request | n/a | |
 | PECL::HTTP | n/a | |
 | PHP Curl Class | n/a | |
 | PHP OpenID library | n/a | |
 | PHPcrawl | n/a | |
 | POE-Component-Client-HTTP | n/a | |
 | PycURL | n/a | |
 | Python-asks | n/a | |
 | Python-httpx | n/a | |
 | Python-requests | n/a | |
 | Python-urllib | n/a | |
 | Python-urllib3 | n/a | |
 | Python-webchecker | n/a | |
 | Python-xmlrpc | n/a | |
 | R longurl | n/a | |
 | r-curl | n/a | |
 | React Native Track Player | n/a | |
 | Req | n/a | |
 | rest-client | n/a | |
 | Restlet Framework | n/a | |
 | RestSharp | n/a | |
 | rome | n/a | |
 | ROME library | n/a | |
 | RPT-HTTPClient | n/a | |
 | Ruby eat | n/a | |
 | Ruby HTTPClient | n/a | |
 | scalaj-http | n/a | |
 | sciter | Sciter Engine | |
 | SimplePie | n/a | |
 | Slim | n/a | |
 | Snoopy | n/a | |
 | SSLyze | n/a | |
 | Summer | n/a | |
 | surf-http-client | n/a | |
 | Symfony BrowserKit | n/a | |
 | Symfony sfFeed2 plugin | n/a | |
 | Trafilatura | n/a | |
 | Typhoeus | n/a | |
 | ultimate sitemap parser | n/a | |
 | undici | n/a | |
 | Unirest | n/a | |
 | ureq | n/a | |
 | urlgrabber | n/a | |
 | Vert.x-WebClient | n/a | |
 | WebLogic HTTP client | n/a | |
 | WinHTTP | n/a | |
 | WinInet Component Suite | n/a | |
 | WnvPdf | n/a | |
 | WWW::Mechanize | n/a | |
 | xine | n/a | |
 | XML-RPC for PHP | n/a | |
 | XML-RPC for Ruby | n/a | |
 | Zend_Http_Client | n/a | |
 | ZXing | n/a | |
Wap Browser |
| Name | Layout engine | Send UA CH |
 | Klondike | ?? | |
 | WapTiger | ?? | |
 | WinWap | WinWAPX | |
Validator |
| Name | Layout engine | Send UA CH |
 | A1 Website Analyzer | n/a | |
 | anw HTMLChecker | n/a | |
 | anw LoadControl | n/a | |
 | Checkbot | n/a | |
 | CSE HTML Validator | n/a | |
 | Cynthia | n/a | |
 | EPiServer Link Checker | n/a | |
 | FeedValidator | n/a | |
 | HTMLParser | n/a | |
 | htmltest | n/a | |
 | LinkChecker | n/a | |
 | LinkExaminer | n/a | |
 | LinkWalker | n/a | |
 | Multipage Validator | n/a | |
 | OU Campus Link Check | n/a | |
 | P3P Validator | n/a | |
 | PHP link checker | n/a | |
 | REL Link Checker Lite | n/a | |
 | Screaming Frog SEO Spider | n/a | |
 | | n/a | |
 | W3C Checklink | n/a | |
 | W3C CSS Validator | n/a | |
 | W3C Internationalization Checker | n/a | |
 | W3C mobileOK Checker | n/a | |
 | W3C Unicorn validator | n/a | |
 | W3C Validator | n/a | |
 | W3C Validator Suite | n/a | |
 | WDG CSSCheck | n/a | |
 | WDG Validator | n/a | |
 | Xenu | n/a | |
Feed Reader |
| Name | Layout engine | Send UA CH |
 | Abilon | n/a | |
 | Akregator | n/a | |
 | Apple News | WebKit | |
 | Apple-PubSub | n/a | |
 | Awasu | Trident | |
 | BlogBridge | n/a | |
 | Bloglines | n/a | |
 | CPG Dragonfly RSS Module | n/a | |
 | Desktop Ticker | n/a | |
 | Digg Reader | n/a | |
 | Endo | n/a | |
 | Fastladder FeedFetcher | n/a | |
 | Feed On Feeds | n/a | |
 | Feed Viewer | n/a | |
 | Feedbin | n/a | |
 | FeedDemon | Trident | |
 | Feedfetcher-Google | n/a | |
 | FreshRSS | n/a | |
 | GreatNews | Trident | |
 | Gregarius | n/a | |
 | iCatcher! | n/a | |
 | IE RSS reader | n/a | |
 | Ilium NewsBreak | n/a | |
 | InoReader | n/a | |
 | Liferea | n/a | |
 | LuckNews | | |
 | NetNewsWire | WebKit | |
 | Newsbeuter | n/a | |
 | NewsBlur App | n/a | |
 | Newsboat | n/a | |
 | NewsFox | Gecko | |
 | NewsGatorOnline | n/a | |
 | NextCloud-News | n/a | |
 | NFReader | n/a | |
 | Omea Reader | n/a | |
 | QuiteRSS | n/a | |
 | Reeder | WebKit | |
 | Rss Bandit | n/a | |
 | RSS Guard | n/a | |
 | RSS Menu | n/a | |
 | RSS Popper | n/a | |
 | RSSOwl | n/a | |
 | Safari RSS reader | n/a | |
 | Sage | Gecko | |
 | Seznam RSS reader | n/a | |
 | SharpReader | ?? | |
 | Shrook | ?? | |
 | Snarfer | ? | |
 | Tiny Tiny RSS | n/a | |
 | Trileet NewsRoom | ?? | |
 | Web Subscriber | WebKit | |
 | Winds | n/a | |
 | YahooFeedSeeker | n/a | |
 | YeahReader | n/a | |
Multimedia Player |
| Name | Layout engine | Send UA CH |
 | Alexa MediaPlayer | n/a | |
 | Amarok | n/a | |
 | Android media player | n/a | |
 | Audacious | n/a | |
 | Banshee | n/a | |
 | Boxee | ?? | |
 | BrightSign | QtWebEngine/WebKit/Blink | |
 | Clementine | n/a | |
 | CoreMedia | n/a | |
 | CorePlayer | n/a | |
 | Dailymotion App | n/a | |
 | FlyCast | ?? | |
 | foobar2000 | n/a | |
 | GOM Player | n/a | |
 | iTunes | WebKit | |
 | KODI | ?? | |
 | Miro | n/a | |
 | MPlayer | n/a | |
 | MPlayer2 | n/a | |
 | MPV | n/a | |
 | MX Player | n/a | |
 | Plex Media Center | n/a | |
 | Pocket Tunes | n/a | |
 | PotPlayer | n/a | |
 | Public Radio Player | n/a | |
 | QuickTime | n/a | |
 | RSS Radio | Trident | |
 | Songbird | Gecko | |
 | Sonos App | n/a | |
 | Sonos mobile App | n/a | |
 | Sonos player | n/a | |
 | SubStream | n/a | |
 | VLC media player | n/a | |
 | Winamp | n/a | |
 | Winamp for Android | ?? | |
 | Windows Media Player | Trident | |
 | XMPlay | n/a | |
Other |
| Name | Layout engine | Send UA CH |
 | A1 Sitemap Generator | n/a | |
 | AB (Apache Bench) | n/a | |
 | ActiveXperts Network Monitor | n/a | |
 | AMP for WordPress | n/a | |
 | Android Download Manager | n/a | |
 | Apache internal dummy connection | n/a | |
 | Apache OpenOffice | n/a | |
 | Apache Synapse | n/a | |
 | Aperture | n/a | |
 | Arachni | n/a | |
 | Arclab Website Link Analyzer | n/a | |
 | aria2 | n/a | |
 | Atomic Email Hunter | n/a | |
 | Atomic Lead Extractor | n/a | |
 | AvePoint Cloud Backup | n/a | |
 | AvePoint ContentManager | n/a | |
 | AvePoint DocAve | n/a | |
 | AvePoint Online Services | n/a | |
 | Azure Active Directory auth client | n/a | |
 | Azure Logic Apps | n/a | |
 | Backupify | n/a | |
 | Bandwidth-Hero Compressor | n/a | |
 | Beeper | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Bitdefender Antivirus | n/a | |
 | BitTitan MigrationWiz | n/a | |
 | Bookdog | n/a | |
 | BookmarkTracker | n/a | |
 | Box for Office | n/a | |
 | Box Notes | n/a | |
 | Brevo | n/a | |
 | BrownRecluse | n/a | |
 | BrowserEmulator | ?? | |
 | Catchpoint Analyser/Synthetic Monitoring | n/a | |
 | CB replicator | n/a | |
 | CBAinProd | n/a | |
 | | n/a | |
 | Claws Mail GtkHtml2 plugin | GtkHTML Library | |
 | Colly | n/a | |
 | Composer | n/a | |
 | Cyberduck | n/a | |
 | dataaccessd | n/a | |
 | Datadog Agent | n/a | |
 | DAVdroid | n/a | |
 | Dell Web Monitor | n/a | |
 | DomainCrawler | n/a | |
 | DownloadStudio | n/a | |
 | Drupal httpClient | n/a | |
 | EasyForm Workflow | n/a | |
 | Email Marketing Robot | n/a | |
 | Evernote | WebKit | |
 | Exchange ActiveSync | n/a | |
 | feroxbuster | n/a | |
 | Ffuf | n/a | |
 | Funambol Mozilla Sync Client | n/a | |
 | Funambol Outlook Sync Client | n/a | |
 | Ghost Inspector | WebKit/Blink | |
 | GlobalProtect | | |
 | GnomeVFS | n/a | |
 | GoldenPod | n/a | |
 | GoodSync | n/a | |
 | Google App Engine | n/a | |
 | Google Apps Script | n/a | |
 | Google Desktop | n/a | |
 | Google Docs viewer | n/a | |
 | Google Earth | WebKit | |
 | Google Friend Connect | n/a | |
 | Google Listen | n/a | |
 | Google Rich Snippets Testing Tool | n/a | |
 | Google Wireless Transcoder | ?? | |
 | gPodder | n/a | |
 | GSiteCrawler | n/a | |
 | h2load | n/a | |
 | Havij | n/a | |
 | Holmes | n/a | |
 | HTML2JPG | Trident | |
 | HTTP nagios plugin | n/a | |
 | HTTPing | n/a | |
 | httpx | n/a | |
 | iGetter | n/a | |
 | iGooMap | n/a | |
 | IIS Site Analysis Web Crawler | n/a | |
 | Insomnia REST Client | n/a | |
 | Ivanti OneDrive for business connector | n/a | |
 | iVideo | n/a | |
 | Jamcast | n/a | |
 | JS-Kit/Echo | n/a | |
 | KingswaySoft Dynamics CRM Integration Toolkit | n/a | |
 | Layer2 CloudConnector | n/a | |
 | LeechCraft | WebKit | |
 | LFTP | n/a | |
 | LG Web Browser Engine | WebKit | |
 | LibreOffice | n/a | |
 | LinkbackPlugin for Laconica | n/a | |
 | LinkStash | n/a | |
 | Lync | ?? | |
 | Lync 2013 | ?? | |
 | Mac CalendarAgent | n/a | |
 | ManicTime | n/a | |
 | MASSCAN | n/a | |
 | Mastodon | n/a | |
 | Mattermost | WebKit/Blink | |
 | Metalogix Content Matrix | n/a | |
 | Metalogix Essentials | n/a | |
 | Microsoft Excel 2013 | n/a | |
 | Microsoft Excel 2016 | n/a | |
 | Microsoft Excel 2019 | n/a | |
 | Microsoft Excel 2019 mobile | n/a | |
 | Microsoft Office | ?? | |
 | Microsoft Office Existence Discovery | n/a | |
 | Microsoft Office Mobile | ?? | |
 | Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 | n/a | |
 | Microsoft PowerPoint 2019 | n/a | |
 | Microsoft PowerPoint 2019 mobile | n/a | |
 | Microsoft RPC | n/a | |
 | Microsoft Teams | Blink | |
 | Microsoft Visio 2013 | n/a | |
 | Microsoft Visio 2016 | n/a | |
 | Microsoft Visio 2019 | n/a | |
 | Microsoft WebDAV client | n/a | |
 | Microsoft Word 2013 | n/a | |
 | Microsoft Word 2016 | n/a | |
 | Microsoft Word 2019 | n/a | |
 | Microsoft Word 2019 mobile | n/a | |
 | Migrator for Notes to SharePoint | | |
 | muCommander | n/a | |
 | MVISION Cloud | n/a | |
 | Nagstamon | n/a | |
 | NetFront Mobile Content Viewer | ?? | |
 | Netskope for Office 365 | n/a | |
 | Nikto | n/a | |
 | Nokia SyncML Client | n/a | |
 | Novell BorderManager | n/a | |
 | NSIS | n/a | |
 | Nuclei | n/a | |
 | OBS Studio | Blink | |
 | Office Upload Center | n/a | |
 | OneDrive Client | n/a | |
 | OneNote 2013 | n/a | |
 | OneNote 2016 | n/a | |
 | OneNote 2019 | n/a | |
 | OneNote Sync | n/a | |
 | OpenFin | WebKit/Blink | |
 | OpenNMS HttpMonitor | n/a | |
 | Outclicks | n/a | |
 | ownCloud sync client | n/a | |
 | Paparazzi! | WebKit | |
 | ParseHub | | |
 | Pattern | n/a | |
 | pdfChip | ? | |
 | PerfectMail web probe | n/a | |
 | pfBlockerNG | n/a | |
 | Phantomas | Blink | |
 | PhantomJS | WebKit | |
 | PHP | n/a | |
 | Podkicker | n/a | |
 | POPjisyo | n/a | |
 | Postman | n/a | |
 | Power Query | n/a | |
 | Power365 | n/a | |
 | Powermarks | n/a | |
 | PowerShell | n/a | |
 | Prism | Gecko | |
 | Proofpoint Threat Response | n/a | |
 | Proxy pre-fetching | n/a | |
 | ProxyBroker | n/a | |
 | PRTG Network Monitor | n/a | |
 | PTST | WebKit/Trident/Blink | |
 | PTST/SpeedCurve | WebKit/Trident/Blink | |
 | PureRef | n/a | |
 | Pz-LinkCard | n/a | |
 | Radio Downloader | n/a | |
 | Raytion SharePoint Connector | n/a | |
 | Rons Place Software | WebKit | |
 | Roundcube CardDav plugin | n/a | |
 | RuxitSynthetic | n/a | |
 | Saketa SharePoint Migrator | | |
 | SARS eFiling | Blink | |
 | Second Life viewer | ?? | |
 | Seolize | n/a | |
 | Seznam WAP Proxy | ?? | |
 | Siege | n/a | |
 | Site Visualizer | n/a | |
 | SiteAnalyzer | n/a | |
 | Sitebulb | ? | |
 | SiteMonitor Enterprise | n/a | |
 | SiteMonitor Lite | n/a | |
 | SiteOne Crawler | n/a | |
 | Skipfish | | |
 | Skype for Business | ?? | |
 | SkySync | n/a | |
 | SmartBrowserPlugin for TC | n/a | |
 | Spanning Backup | n/a | |
 | Spotify App | Webkit | |
 | Spotify mobile App | Webkit | |
 | sp_auditbot | n/a | |
 | sqlmap | n/a | |
 | Steam Client | Webkit/Blink | |
 | Symantec Email | n/a | |
 | Symprex Email Signature Manager | n/a | |
 | Tableau Desktop | WebKit | |
 | | n/a | |
 | The Lounge | n/a | |
 | tinyCam Monitor | n/a | |
 | Vewd Store | Presto/Blink | |
 | Vuze | ?? | |
 | Web-sniffer | n/a | |
 | WebCollage | n/a | |
 | webfs | n/a | |
 | Wfuzz | n/a | |
 | WinPodder | n/a | |
 | WkHTMLtoPDF | WebKit | |
 | WordPress pingback | n/a | |
 | WPS Office | n/a | |
 | WPS Office Mobile | n/a | |
 | Xidel | n/a | |
 | Xtate | n/a | |
 | XTC-Monitoring | ? | |
 | Yahoo Ad monitoring | n/a | |
 | Yandex.Translate | n/a | |
 | Yealink client | n/a | |
 | YOURLS | n/a | |
 | ZGrab | n/a | |
Useragent Anonymizer |
| Name | Layout engine | Send UA CH |
 | | n/a | |
 | MobileSurf | n/a | |
 | Mr.4x3 Powered | n/a | |