- Local parser
- Cloud parser
- ver. 4
- ver. 3
- ver. 2 (deprecated)
- ver. 1 (historical)
- Available data
- Base info
- Base data
- Additional data
- Lists of possible values
- Base info
- User agent
- IP address
| | Data ver. 4
(since 2021)
available data format
Contents datafile
- User-Agent Client Hints support (Browser, OS, Device)
- clients and clients class (browser, email client, robots, lib ...) list
- clients regular expression
- Information of clients is uptodate
- OS list
- OS regular expression
- OS - clients relation
- Devices list
- Devices regular expression
- Devices market name
- Crawlers and crawlers class (search engine bot, site monitor, webscraper ...) list
- IP (v4 and v6) list and class (crawler, proxy, vpn service, scraper ...)
- Data center list
- Data center IP (v4 and v6) range