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Available additional data

IP Addresses of proxies, Attack source ...

Format:: "IP address","Hostname","Country","Country code","City","Last seen"
(This lists contains IPs of the last 3 month)

datafile_namesubscription typeDescription
public_cgi_proxy.csvLocal parserPublic cgi proxies IP List (CSV)
public_web_proxy.csvLocal parserPublic web proxies IP List (CSV)
tor_exit_node.csvLocal parsertor exit nodes IP List (CSV)
known_attack_source.csvLocal parserKnown attack source - HTTP IP List (CSV)
known_attack_source_mail.csvLocal parserKnown attack source - MAIL, SMTP .. IP List (CSV)
known_attack_source_ssh.csvLocal parserKnown attack source - SSH IP List (CSV)

VPN services

Format:: "IP address","Hostname","Country","Country code","City","Last seen", "VPN service hash"
(This lists contains IPs of the last 3 month)

datafile_namesubscription typeDescription
anonymizing_vpn_service.csvLocal parserAnonymizing VPN services IP List (CSV)

Fake crawlers, Web scrapers ...

Format:: "IP address","Hostname","Country","Country code","City","Last seen"

datafile_namesubscription typeDescription
fake_crawler.csvLocal parserFake crawlers IP List (CSV)
web_scraper.csv Local parserWeb scrapers IP List (CSV)

IP Addresses of Search Engine Spiders

Format:: "Bot name","IP address","DNS name","Country","City","Bot family","Useragentstring","Country code"

datafile_namesubscription typeDescription
botIP-Googlebot.csvLocal and Cloud parserGooglebot IP List (CSV)
botIP-MSN-Bing.csvLocal and Cloud parserMSNbot/bingbot IP List (CSV)
botIP-Baiduspider.csvLocal and Cloud parserBaiduspider IP List (CSV)
botIP-Yandex.csvLocal and Cloud parserYandex IP List (CSV)
botIP-Yahoo.csvLocal and Cloud parserYahoo! IP List (CSV)
botIP.csvLocal and Cloud parserCrawlers (All) IP List (CSV)

Data centers hosting company IP v4 ranges

Format:: "Data center name","Homepage","IP from","IP to","IP long integer from","IP long integer to","Data center name code"

datafile_namesubscription typeDescription
datacenter.csvLocal parserData center IP v4 ranges List (CSV)

Data centers hosting IP v4 ranges for import


datafile_namesubscription typeDescription
datacenter.txtLocal parserData center IP v4 ranges List (TXT)

Data centers hosting IP v4 CIDR


datafile_namesubscription typeDescription
datacenter-cidr.txtLocal parserData center IP v4 cidr ranges list (TXT)

Data centers hosting company IP v6 ranges

Format:: "Data center name","Homepage","IP from","IP to","Data center name code"

datafile_namesubscription typeDescription
datacenter6.csvLocal parserData center IP v6 ranges List (CSV)

MAC Address Vendors list

Format:: "MAC address","Name","Name code","Address1","Address2","Country","Country code","Homepage"

datafile_namesubscription typeDescription
mac_address_vendors.csvLocal parserMAC Address Vendors list (CSV)

Sample useragentstrings

datafile_namesubscription typeDescription
uas_example.csvLocal and Cloud parserSample UAS (Browsers, crawlers .. etc. - CSV)
Format: "Type","Name","useragentstring"
uasOS_example.csvLocal and Cloud parserSample Operating Systems (CSV)
Format: "Name","useragentstring"
uaDEVICE_example.csvLocal and Cloud parserSample Devices (CSV)
Format: "Name","useragentstring"
useragents.csvLocal parserNo parsed big list (CSV) - approximately 6 300 000 unique User-Agent string
Format: "Last seen","useragentstring"
userAgent_client_hints.csvLocal parserNo parsed big list (CSV) - approximately 3 500 000 unique User-Agent string with User-Agent Client Hints
Format: "Last seen","useragentstring","Sec-Ch-Ua","Sec-Ch-Ua-Mobile","Sec-Ch-Ua-Full-Version","Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform","Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform-Version","Sec-Ch-Ua-Model"
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