Resources > UA list: crawlers

Udger database includes detailed information about every single user agent and operating system

Select list type: Browsers, email clients ... | Operating systems | Devices| Crawlers (Robots)

Category: All - Search engines - Marketing - Screenshots - Monitors - Feeds - Link checkers - Scrapers - Tools - Speed test - Vulnerability/Virus

Crawlers (Robots)Last seenbot URLProducer URL
logo UASlinkChecker2024-10-16 09:54:42UPUP
logo bot2024-10-09 08:19:22UP
logo Wikipedia crawler2024-10-01 14:37:29UPUP
logo BrokenLinkCheck.com2024-09-15 06:00:31UP
logo deadlinkchecker2024-09-15 06:00:31UP
logo MB-SiteCrawler2024-09-03 10:56:31UPUP
logo Link Valet Online2024-09-03 07:35:52UP
logo Urlcheckr2024-09-03 07:35:52UPUP
logo LinkTiger2024-06-13 16:58:09UP
logo Online Domain Tools2024-05-29 15:01:36UP
logo Dead Link Checker2024-05-29 14:58:53UPUP

Maybe inactive robots (One year we have not heard about them)
logo OhDear crawler2023-07-18 07:04:46UPUP
logo Licorne crawler2023-03-22 04:24:10UP
logo outbrain2022-04-11 09:13:06UPUP
logo Mailkit crawler2021-07-20 20:41:33UP
logo Atomseobot2021-07-05 06:59:31UPUP
logo PartyflockLinkChecker2019-11-03 03:38:33UPUP
logo Litmus crawler2019-04-12 12:45:36UP

Historical (Old robots, Inactive cravlers)
logo ODP link checker2022-10-13 06:00:31DownUP
logo 2Bone2021-08-30 21:02:18UP
logo backlink-check.de2021-03-04 05:25:05DownUP
logo LinkAlarm2020-08-09 13:17:41UPUP
logo Geek-Tools2019-07-07 08:32:21Down
logo 2bone2019-07-03 10:10:14UP
logo topster_de-crawler2018-06-13 14:22:06UP
logo damn404 crawler2018-01-11 14:59:54DownDown
logo dlcbot2015-04-22 09:04:27UPUP
logo AWeber bot2011-09-30 00:21:09UPUP
Among our clients
View more..., inc.  
 Dailymotion SA  
 Akamai Technologies, Inc.  
 PayPal Holdings, Inc.